Kuzhivila Pannickottu Nivya

UR5 trajectory generation using OROCOS real-time toolkit


Overview and Motivation

The goal here was to create dynamically reconfigurable parameters that sets the desired configuration of the robot for the trajectory generator real time.


Used the urdf description from Universal Robotics to solve the inverse kinmeatics problem. The ROS parameters were exposed to RQT to enable them to be adjusted by a GUI. The parameters that were dynamically reconfired were desired cartesian position, \([x,\ y,\ z,\ roll,\ pitch,\ yaw]\) desired joint angles, \([\theta_{1},\ \theta_{2},\ \theta_{3},\ \theta_{4},\ \theta_{5},\ \theta_{6}]\), and velocity sclaing parameter to adjust the velocity of the robot from 0-100%.

A RTT component was implemented. This RTT component has two operations; one to trigger a new joint trajectory that moves the robot, from wherever the robot is, to the desired position. And another one to move the robot by producing a Cartesian trajectory that moves the robot from its current position to the desired Cartesian frame. Inverse kinematics was computed at every time step using the KDL library.


The algorithm was tested on a real UR5.
